Helping Hands for the Blind

A non-profit organization whose goal is to promote social, economic and educational opportunities for the blind ...

Helping Hands 4 the Blind.A non-profit organization whose goal is to promote social, economic and educational opportunities for the blind.

A Hand Up

Helping Hands: Giving Blind People A Hand Up

From "Vision Enhancement" Used by Permission.
In an effort to address many of the real concerns that confront those with vision loss and to provide a vital resource, Helping Hands for the Blind (HHB) was founded in October 1990. It is a non-profit organization of blind people who want to help other blind people. It serves as a problem solving organization and is a guide that blind people can turn to in times of need. Some of the assistance HHB provides is ...

Much of the success of this organization can be attributed to its founder and president, Robert "Bob" J. Acosta, who has dedicated a major portion of his life to helping and working with the blind. Bob, the first blind teacher to teach sighted students in the Los Angeles Unified School District, has spent 37+ years in the teaching profession. He gained the distinction early in life by being chosen one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of America and later was appointed by Governor Ronald Reagan to serve on the State Board of Guide Dogs for the Blind. His leadership expertise and abilities led him to serve in the top positions of several national organizations.

As is so often the case, Bob's determination to help others is shared by his wife, Ruth Ann, who was also born blind. Together this dynamic couple command the admiration and respect of those they serve and are a vital motivating influence upon all with whom they come in contact. They, with the HHB Board of Directors and financial support from individuals and corporations, are fulfilling the organization's mission of empowering and enabling those blind persons who only need a "hand-up", not just a "hand-out."

For more information about this caring organization, contact:
Helping Hands for the Blind, 21500 Lassen St., No. 178, Chatsworth, California 91311

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